"Hello!!! I am Johnny Balraj. Nice to meet you." Ranbir Kapoor's first look in "Bombay Velvet" now unveiled. This movie directed by Anurag Koshyap. In this movie Ranbir Kapoor act as Johnny Balraj who is street fighter. Anushka Sharma played a vutak role with Ranbir Kapoor as a jazz singer. "Bombay Velvet" have make with background of Bombay, 1960. The director published first look of that movie on January, 28. The famous filmmaker Karan Johar acting
in this movie which is debut as an actor. "Bombay Velvet" coming to theaters on May, 2015. A historical drama movie is waiting for us.
in this movie which is debut as an actor. "Bombay Velvet" coming to theaters on May, 2015. A historical drama movie is waiting for us.