Hot superstar Shah Rukh Khan is in danger. A tea seller Bikram Sing complains at Kota train station court against him to destroy government property, create hurry-scurry & illegal gathering at busy station. He also claims that he faces loss for a big crowd. A few days age released Shah Rukh Khan Film “Rise”. For this film campaign, SRK went from Delhi to Mumbai by Kranti Express. At 24 January at 5am reached the train carrying Shah Rukh at Kotar station to penetrate the strong crowd.
Bikram says “Shah Rukh didn’t go down on the platform but he was standing on the door in front of fans. He threw some gift on the crowd. To collect the gift from SKR big chaos started. There was a situation that could have been a stampede. Mobs have stolen money from my shop. There is no situation to control anyone”. Bikram has complained this situation at Kotar station court.
The court has been instructed to GRP to investigate this matter. Kota GRP superintendent Om Prakash said, “Not only Shah Rukh Khan, we are starting an investigation against all of his team. Loss of government property being explored. The case has been filed under section 147,149, 160,427, 120(b), 145 and 146 against him.