Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma made an interesting story of Bollywood at this moment. A new couple starts a new life with a new experience. In the meantime, Anushka tweeted a good news that they have been ranked on Forbes India list. Recently Forbes India releases
a list of 100 people in which the newlyweds Virat Kohli is the richest sportsperson. His wife Anushka Sharma take place in this list at 32th. Last 11 December Virat and Anushka get married at Italy. That was their dream wedding. Their wedding ceremony was exceptional from others. Some close relative attends their wedding party. After coming back to India, last Thursday held first reception party at Delhi. The reception ceremony of Virat and Anushka held at Taj Hotel Darbar hall in Chanakyapuri. Two family members and some close friend are present there. The Prime Minister of India “Norendro Modi” also present at this party to wish the new couple. But among all the guests, Singer Gopardas Mann take extra attention from others. He had become a middleman in the great reception party of Virat and Anushka. Because when he arrived at this party whole environment is changed.
a list of 100 people in which the newlyweds Virat Kohli is the richest sportsperson. His wife Anushka Sharma take place in this list at 32th. Last 11 December Virat and Anushka get married at Italy. That was their dream wedding. Their wedding ceremony was exceptional from others. Some close relative attends their wedding party. After coming back to India, last Thursday held first reception party at Delhi. The reception ceremony of Virat and Anushka held at Taj Hotel Darbar hall in Chanakyapuri. Two family members and some close friend are present there. The Prime Minister of India “Norendro Modi” also present at this party to wish the new couple. But among all the guests, Singer Gopardas Mann take extra attention from others. He had become a middleman in the great reception party of Virat and Anushka. Because when he arrived at this party whole environment is changed.
Gurdas tells, a Punjabi marriage reception ceremony without dance is not acceptable. Then all guests request Gurdas to sing a song with rhythm. The newlyweds amuse dance floor with other guests. The video of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma is viral at Social Media.